The Mysterious Fountain Pen

Fountain pens are an ancient writing instrument that has been used by humans since the 1800s. They function much like a fountain, but without the water. The ink is stored within the pen and is filled to the tip with a piston or screw-type mechanism that pushes it through a thin slit down onto paper. Fountain pens work differently than other types of pens because they allow for more variation in line thickness because of how they flow ink on paper.

The history of fountain pens and how they work

Throughout man’s history, he has always sought to create ways of communicating with one another. Yet, as technology continues to evolve, handwritten letters are becoming a thing of the past. As the world moves toward the digital future, more and more people are embracing e-mail, texting, and social media for their daily communication needs. Yet, there are still those who long for the days of receiving an old-fashioned letter in the mail written in beautiful cursive handwriting.

Where to begin with the fountain pen? Perhaps I should start at the beginning, in 1827 when Lewis Edson Waterman was born. He was an inventor whose pens were built for sealing inside ink bottles. The problem was that people wanted pens to use with their own ink and Waterman came up with the idea of using a rubber tube inside his design. From then on, fountain pens were used for writing letters, taking notes, and signing checks.

How Fountain Pens can help you get in tune with your creative side

It’s not easy to be creative in an era of technology overload, but it is possible! One way to get in touch with your creative side is by using a fountain pen. Fountain pens can help you slow down and relax while writing, making it easier for you to find the words that will express what you are creatively trying to say. Fountain pens can even help stimulate your imagination when you are stuck for inspiration.

The different types of Fountain Pens

There are many types of pens available for purchase, but one specific type of pen that has been around for centuries is the fountain pen. The fountain pen consists of a nib to dispense ink onto paper, a section to hold the ink, and a cap to protect the ink until you are ready to use it. Fountain pens are categorized by their nib size which can range from extra-fine to broad. Extra fine nibs are ideal if you like to write small notes, and broad nibs are good for larger notes and writing.

Advantages of using a fountain pen

Some people are hesitant to use fountain pens because they may be unfamiliar with how they work. Let me reassure you, fountain pens are easy to use and emit a type of writing that can’t be replicated with any other pen.

  1. Fountain pens are environmentally friendly
  2. Fountain pens are generally cheaper than ballpoint pens
  3. Fountain pens don’t smudge
  4. Fountain pens give users more control over the flow of ink onto paper
  5. Fountain pens come in a wide variety of colors
  6. The many different styles of nibs to choose from

How to maintain and care for your fountain pens

It’s not enough to just have a pen. You need to know how to care for it, too! Fountain pens are the perfect option for the old-fashioned lover in all of us, but they require an extra bit of maintenance. Here are some tips on how to keep your pen in top shape.

1) Store in a stationary position in a well-ventilated location when not in use. 2) Store an empty ink cartridge in a separate location. The ink cartridge is a consumable part of the pen and should be refilled every three months. 3) Wash the pen with mild soap and water daily. 4) For the best results, clean with a slightly damp cloth. 5) Use a dry cloth to wipe the pen dry. 6) Avoid using a pen on your lap or desk.

Here are some other pen care tips: 

1) Hold the pen at a 45-degree angle when not in use. 2) To prevent ink from drying in the nib, dip the nib into ink when not in use. 3) To clean ink from the nib, dip it in alcohol. 4) After using the pen, allow it to dry completely. 5) Avoid keeping the pen in direct sunlight. 6) Avoid using the pen on your clothing, and do not store the pen in a pocket.

Recommendations on what to look for when purchasing a quality fountain pen

The fountain pen is one of the oldest writing instruments around. It has seen many changes over the years, but the latest incarnation is the best yet. Fountain pens are designed to be high-quality writing instruments that can last for generations. When purchasing a fountain pen, there are three main things to look for – weight, cost, and nib size flexibility.


Fountain pens should weigh between 0.9 and 1.9 ounces. If the fountain pen is too heavy for your hand, it may not be comfortable to write with for long periods of time.


The cost of a fountain pen depends on its material. Luxury fountain pens are often made of gold and platinum but are extremely expensive. On the other hand, the cheaper carbon fiber pens are made of plastic and are more affordable.

Nib Size

The nib size is also determined by the material. A pen with a fine nib is usually 0.5 mm, while an extra-fine nib is usually 0.3 mm. A broad nib is usually 1 mm, while a medium nib is usually 0.7 mm.

People write better with a fountain pen.

Mysterious fountain pens have been a part of the writing world since the early 1900s. They are a unique form of writing device that is quite a bit different from a ballpoint pen or pencil for one very specific reason: they bleed ink onto paper. Fountain Pens have been around for more than 100 years, and while some people might think they’re not necessary anymore due to technological advances, many people still enjoy them because they add an extremely personal touch to any document.

Fountain pens offer a rich and unique writing experience and should be embraced by all. They say you can tell a lot about a person by the way they write. Fountain pens offer an old-school, rich, and unique writing experience that most people never get to try. It is time for us to take up this lost art of writing with fountain pens!

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